If you are receiving an error attempting to place an entry, it may be due to the app being unable to locate you to ensure you are in an eligible Betr state.
Our location systems require Wi-Fi, GPS, or GSM signals to locate you. Also, you need to have Location Services on. To turn on Location services:
iOS Devices
Go to your device settings
Locate the Betr app
Ensure location is set to "While Using"
Turn on Precise Location
Android Devices
Go to your device settings
Navigate to Location settings
Select "app location permissions"
Locate the Betr app
Ensure the location access is allowed and precise location is enabled
You can also manually edit your State Settings in the Betr app:
Navigate to your Account/Wallet section
Scroll down and select "State settings"
Select the state you are in (You will still need to be physically in the state with location services enabled)